Helping me make pancakes on the weekend:

Mamamamamamama!!!! I want to eat the pancakes NOW!!!

Getting caught trying to climb onto the kitchen table. Since Matt is gone again for a couple of weeks I have only one kitchen chair out to reduce this problem!!


Check out the choice of footwear:

With that look you just know he is up to no good:

My word verification is moothipp. I can hear either you or your nekkid kid say that.
Yeeeeaaaaaah... that's what I heard.
LOL Kara!!! It's either something coming out of a butt or a mouth on your blog!
Love that naked butt/shoes shot!
If I let my 2 run a round naked...I'd end up with pittle & poop everywherer...Tried it ONCE & that was enough for me! YUCKKK !!
I like the "up to no good" face...I seem to recall the same face here a time or TWO!
Oh by the way...girls fart roses from their butts!! :)
Oh Heather- once I was giving Hunter some diaper free time and he took the biggest crap on my living room floor!! Since then, he only gets very short stints diaper free.
And I definitely need to have a girl next then if they fart roses. Cause this kid farts death.
wow! What a small world! That word is the same name for our raven too...amazing!
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