Ken I have been friends with since grade 3.
I missed their wedding last year because I was in labour with Hunter.
Well this morning they have their very own little man!! Congratulations you two and have fun giving him a name!! Of course, I am very jealous since your whole labour and delivery was only 4 hours from start to finish, but I still love you.
Here is Matt and me at the wedding last year:

Ha Ha, Matt looks pretty calm considering he's at a wedding while his wife is in labour....
Well actually, my water didn't break until about 8 hours after this picture was taken! Matt had just finished partying and called to tell me about the wedding. He was a 6 hour drive away and my water broke while we were on the phone!!
Good thing Hunter decided to take his time!
Yeah, I'm totally confused. Were you actually in labour, or just "under confinement"? I can't remember, did you go south to have Hunter? I can't imagine Matt being at a wedding, good friends or not, while you're actually in labour! Were you just starting? Help me out here! ;)
Oh look at that, I asked the question in the same minute that you answered it. Dang, if only I'd hit "Publish" a split-second earlier. Ha!
hehehe I am right on it today Fawn!!
We went south to Edmonton to have Hunter. We had to go a whole month before he was due!! I was very happy Matt made it back, but I sure was bummed that I wasn't able to go to that wedding. However, if I had gone Hunter would have been born in the same hospital I was!!
hehe that's so cool that he took a photo of you with him!
Look how teeny tiny the bride is!!
What a great idea! I love the picture.
You guys have snow there... Lucky! Right now its pouring rain in Dawson which is lame cause i want to wear my winter boots!
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