We had a very pleasant and productive weekend up in Pelly Crossing with Matt. I was able to make 11 pairs of booties and have three more pairs cut out and ready to sew. I also used up some canvas that wasn't working well for the booties and am making northern stockings! Canvas trimmed out with fur to hang on the wall at Christmas. I am sewing up a storm in anticipation of a big craft fair in Whitehorse that I want to attend this fall. People have been very encouraging of me going saying I will sell a heap of booties. So I have my fingers crossed.
We relaxed, went for walks, played with the boy.... A very nice weekend. I yakked a bit- the funniest was we were walking and as usual, a random puppy followed us for our walk. I paused, like usual, to yak in the ditch and the puppy ran over to eat what I was regurgitating, but it was hard not to yak right on the puppy! My husband seemed to enjoy the entertainment.
Good news- Matt is coming home on Thursday instead of Monday! Hurray! I am looking forward to having him home for the weekend.
Today, Hunter and I drove home. It is only a 275km drive back to Faro, but the boy decided to only nap for 80km of it. The sun was in his eyes, so I stopped to put a blanket in the window to block out the sun. Well, I think that might have led to some car sickness. He normally spends the drives napping or looking out the window. About 60km from home (we were listening to the Vinyl Cafe on my ipod) I hear this horrible noise from the back seat and look in my rearview mirror. Oh god. It was horrible. Cottage cheese like barf mixed with grapes, peas, moose meat and a random assortment of other goodies are pouring out of my son at an alarming rate. It was so disgusting. Good thing there was a turnout soon after. I pulled over and got Hunter out of the car seat and his clothes and let him drive the truck while I cleaned. It was disgusting beyond words. Barf everywhere. What did we do before wet wipes were invented? Probably just threw the baby out. It took me about 15 minutes to clean up the back seat enough to get Hunter back into the car seat. I stunk. He stunk. The truck is going to stink forever. Joy.
So an stinky end to a great weekend! The boy seems no worse for wear. Oh! First eye tooth came through this weekend with the other three putting some serious thought into it.
If anyone has ideas for how to get milk/moose barf stink out of truck and car seats, please send it my way. And if anyone knows about this big craft fair that happens at the Winter Games place, please share that info too!
Have a good week everyone!
ArmourAll has something to clean upholstery. There's a cheery, yellow brush attached to the spray can - but barf of any kind in a car is no fun. Alternately - if it only hit the seat cushion, you could take it out, scrub it down with a moderately stiff brush and soapy water - or use the pressure washer and then let it dry in your furnace room or some other really warm place. It'll dry even if it may take some time.
Yeah that would be my suggestion too. You'll have to take the seat out of the truck and take it apart. Regardless of how much you clean it the smell is going to keep coming back everytime it gets warm in the truck.
Yes we would be very interested in your dish. Let us know how much.
mmprice at qiniq dot com
Wow, like mother like son in the yakking area!
I could totally picture the puppy eating your puke though! And you puking on it's head... too bad Matt didnt' have a video camera!! Wait a minute... maybe not... lol!
Hey Kara
Avon Bubble Bath. The cleaner for everything! Even moose meat throw up!
Mr. Clean will clean your truck and all the puke within it. Mr. Clean, Mr. Clean.
Years ago had a similar incident except it was an adult who barfed and it got to bake overnight and through part of a mid summer morning.
Mr. Clean worked great. Of course my truck at the time didn't have any cloth, just vinyl.
Good Luck with the cleaning.
I think the craft fair you are looking for is the Spruce Bog. Details can be found at http://sprucebog.com/index.html. It is a good time to see everyone - as the place is usually packed! Good luck with the cleaning out of the vehicle!
Kara, my heart goes out to you in between my roars of laughter!! You can embarrass the shit out of the little man when he is older about this stuff - even better, take pics. (Oh god , this family is demented) I used bounce laundry clothes that you use in the dryer. Tucked them anywhere I could in the truck. They worked. Take care kiddo. Hope to see you all one day.
"probably just throw the baby out"
miss you guys,
love court
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