Sunday, November 2, 2008

I hate the time change.

For everyone else it means sleeping in an extra hour. For me, it means a baby who woke up at quarter to 4 today instead of quarter to 5.

It is going to be a long day.


Anonymous said...

Oh you poor thing. I am so glad we don't do the time change here!

Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan said...

Where I grew up in northern BC we didn't change time either!! I really hate it.

Anonymous said...

You're not alone. Our two kids do the same thing in winter. I am starting to lose the memory of what it used to be like to sleep in past 5:30 a.m.

Trish said...

Poor thing! Good luck!!!

Anonymous said...

My son gets up at 7 so I was expecting a 6 AM wake up. I got one at 5 AM. But a quarter to 4? Ouch. Are his naps messed up too? How is that going?

dogsled_stacie said...

I agree, it just plain sucks!!!!!

Especially for you though, 3:45am??!?! Aghhh, you might as well not go to bed! And when you really need that sleep too...

Anonymous said...

I thought it was weird not having to move my clock back when I lived in Saskatchewan but I didn't really notice any difference. Up here, we are pretty much into the dark season anyway so moving the clock back an hour is pretty meaningless.

Of course with the power surges and my clock constantly slowing down and speeding up I'm always adjusting the time throughout the year come to think of it!

Aida said...

i hate time change too.