Tuesday, November 4, 2008

For Auntie Wenda

So I have been told via my mother that my Auntie Wenda says I need to suck it up, quit whining about yakking and just post more pictures of the boy!

Alright. I guess I can do that!

Hunter taking a break from beating daddy with a pen:

Playing outside a few weeks ago:

Quality time with dad:

ps. We miss you Auntie Wenda! Can't wait to see you next summer!


deiss said...

You should be posting more pictures of your kid. Mom sent me some from when you were at her place so now I have new pictures on the fridge. I better be getting a Christmas picture card soon................

Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan said...

I should, should I?

I want to see the pictures from your moms house!!!!

deiss said...

Yes, yes, you should.

You'll have to email her and ask since when I said sent, I meant actual photos. Crazy, eh?