Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Twice a week we head to the rec centre for playgroup. Funding was graciously provided by Recreation and Parks Association of the Yukon. Hunter loved the time to play with other kids and to have a large space to burn off energy while the weather was cold.

Yesterday was our final day until next fall, and lucky us it fell on St. Patrick's Day! We held a fun luncheon and invited family and other members of the community.

Trying on our hats!

The kids table:

The kids table filled with the most adorable kids ever!

The boy after devouring a cupcake! The icing went right up his nose of course.

Cupcake face and dad:


APF said...

Hey, you got a bit of a baby boom going on in Faro. I didn't know there were so many kids!

Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan said...

There is quite the baby boom going on actually! There are, I think, 13 kids 5 and under. I might be missing a couple. And there were 4 of us pregnant this year! One was just born last week and three more to go. It is great!

deiss said...

Your kid is ridiculous. Much like his parents. :P