Cavan has been a sick little guy for the last four days. He has a huge canker sore on the inside of his bottom lip. The sore makes it hard for him to eat, sleep and play. So for the last four days our lives have been pretty miserable. He will only sleep for half an hour at a time at night then wakes up screaming. He has been hitting, biting, kicking and all out waging war on Hunter, Matt and I.
On Friday I realized I really did not want to cook a big Thanksgiving supper. No one had invited us out, so I hit an all time low. I begged on facebook for someone to take us in. Yes. I really did. One of Matt's co-workers felt sorry for us and invited us to her big potluck. Hunter was on his best behaviour! Cavan.... not so much. He was into everything. Then I sat down on the floor with him and a huge plate of the most amazing food you could imagine. He kept pointing to the food, but every bite I put in his mouth he spit out onto the floor. The he started jumping around, screaming, pointing at food, turning away from the food and on and on. Then the grande finale- he screams and hits my plate of supper, dumping it all over me. I was on the verge of tears. I got it all scooped up on the plate, grabbed the kid, left Matt and Hunter behind and headed for home.
On the drive home I was in tears. I was upset that we couldn't enjoy such a lovely supper and worried about how disruptive we had been. Then I was in tears thinking maybe this is why no one invited us to a supper this year- because a toddler and little boy can be a bit disruptive. Then I was in tears when Cavan kept repeating the word, "Bad" from the backseat. Nothing like that feeling of being a horrible mother.
We got in the door, Cavan cried while sucking back a sippy cup of milk and I put his pj's on him. It was only 5:30pm, but I knew he was exhausted so I tucked him and his stuffed puppy and marten into the crib. He hasn't made a peep since.
After three nights of nearly no sleep we are both giving in to our tears of exhaustion.