Friday, December 11, 2009

Baking with Toddlers

A friend of mine sent me a recipe for some yummy looking gingersnap cookies, so yesterday Hunter and I gave them a try. They end up not looking anything like the sample picture and I have some theories as to why:
1. Used butter instead of margarine
2. Hunter insisted on measuring out all ingredients himself while I attempted to monitor what went in the bowl
3. Baking soda kinda spilled...
4. Hunter liked to play with the speed on the mixer and I am pretty sure it did not need to be on a level 5 speed for mixing in the flour!

I am pretty sure number 1 was not the big issue...

Sample Picture of Cookie:
Our Super Flat Cookie:

But they tasted delicious and we had fun making them. Even when the power went out in the middle of it all. Three dozen are heading to a cookie exchange tonight. This weekend Hunter and I are going to attempt shortbreads and decorated sugar cookies. Should be interesting!


Rob, Tina and the boys said...

I had all the stuff to make cookies with the boys today (I was babysitting) and they didn't want to. So I made 4 dozen cookies and some BP balls all by myself. :)

freckles said...

If you ask me, they still look like pretty yummy cookies!

Heather said...

The cookies look really light! Did you add molasses? Also, unless the recipe specifically says "medium," "large," or "extra-large" eggs, it can be difficult to know exactly how much egg the writer expects you to put in, and that can make a recipe flop. Enjoy your cookies! Good to hear he's developing a love of cooking early, maybe he'll take over in the kitchen one day (in the far future!)

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

Baking with kids is awesome! Nice to meet a fellow Canadian!