I have a banana dealer here in town and we have a good deal worked out! The owner of our little store here in town gives me the old bananas for a wicked deal and I just send him down a loaf whenever I bake.
I bake 6 loaves at a time, and usually do this once a week. We give most of it away to people and Matt eats the rest! Okay, I do eat some as well, but not as much as the hubby! Hunter is starting to like it too. I did this in Kugluktuk too; we gave most of the loaves to the elders since most of them aren't fond of sweet desserts. There was an elders centre where they would get together at least twice a week and I would drop off loaves for them there. Always got a smile from the elders in Kugluktuk!!
Hunter is learning the trade! Helping to grease the pans:

mmmmmm gooey banana goodness:

Final product:

You've posted pictures of all of those yummy looking loaves, but kept the recipe secret. :D
I don't know how you find the energy to do all your sewing and baking not to mention having such a tidy house. I think I'm starting to hate you. ;)
But Fawn, remember I don't have a full time job to go to!! Or music practice stuff! I only work a few hours a day and that is it. I have no clue how you manage to work, be a mom, and do all of the extra stuff you do!!!!
hmmm ..... banana bread ..... drooooool
yum...which is why...a teaser of the package that i am going to send you...it includes an apron for Hunter! :-)
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