A friend of mine called the other night and asked if I wanted to go berry picking. Well I can never turn down a berry picking opportunity. In two and a half hours we had picked 9 cups of wild strawberries! And my friend decided that she had enough berries already at home so she gave me all of hers; what a sweetheart! So there are now 8 cups of berries in the freezer ready to make jam when I track down some certo. The other cup was put on top of a homemade white cake with whipping cream that we took over to some other friends to enjoy.
Sorting berries:

What a haul!
You don't need certo to make jam. Look up no-pectin recipes.
Do you have any you could suggest for strawberry freezer jam?
Awe, can I come next time? :P
Wild strawberries are just too good to turn into jam.
I do 4 cups strawberries, 4 cups sugar, 1/4 cup lemon. Boil hard until the consistency you like (check on a freezer plate).
Then instead of canning, cool and freeze.
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