Monday, August 23, 2010

Our Date

Our Saturday date was fantastic!!

We left our kids in the care of our friends and took off. Matt and I drove 100km up the North Canol road. It was so muddy that it took us three hours to get that far, and since the ferry goes back across the river at 5pm, we turned around at that point. Not a single caribou or moose came out to greet us and our guns. And I am officially re-naming that road as Chicken Road. Grouse everywhere and of course that season doesn't open for another week.

After that drive we weren't quite ready to head home. So we drove up to the Faro mine site, got the quads off the trailer and went riding for a few hours. I hadn't had the opportunity to explore up there at all since we moved to Faro, but I already cannot wait to go back! The sub-alpine terrain is gorgeous and the trails go on for miles. I just want to see over each hill!

After a few hours of quadding in drizzle and just above freezing temperatures we finally called it a day and went home. We arrived home right around 7:30pm fully expecting our kids to greet us at the door. But our friends worked their magic and both boys were sleeping when we walked in the door.

The only way that day could have gotten any better would have been us arriving home with a moose or caribou in the back of our truck. But I am not complaining!

Quads with a view:

I thoroughly enjoyed my day:

My handsome date:

The trails were calling my name... too bad we had to head home:

And a random bonus picture.
This kid really loves mud: