Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The House of Plague... Continued

I thought we finally had the disease in our house wiped out, but alas I was so wrong.

Cavan is bringing in some molars and what I thought was just the accompanying running nose turned into a full out snot-fest. The rubbing of the snotty nose resulted in both eyes full of goop so thick that whenever he falls asleep his eyes glue shut! What seems minor yesterday, turned into full out nastiness today so off to the health centre we went. Now he is receiving eye drops a few times a day along with some tylenol for his general crankiness. I got a requisition to send him in for allergy testing. The runny nose and puffy eyes just don't seem to go away, so I hope this provides some answers. Good times x 1.

Hunter had been disease free for a few weeks and I thought we had hit the light at the end of the tunnel. But today he just seemed out of sorts and getting into everything. Finally after a nap this afternoon (he usually doesn't nap anymore, but was out of bed just before 5am today so a nap was much needed) he awoke with a cough, runny nose, and intense crankiness which included wanting to be carried everywhere. Good times x 2.

Matt is exhausted. He doesn't deal well with being woken up throughout the night. Our boys are going through a period of horrible sleeping. Neither will sleep for more than 2 hours at a time before we have to get them back down again. Then yesterday when getting out of his work truck, he whacked his head off of our camper that is parked in the yard. He did it so hard I think it nearly knocked him out and he was even bleeding! I have also insisted that he get some allergy testing as well. Around his eyes is always puffy and there are other symptoms that seem like allergies could be the culprit. This evening he is just feeling off. Not good, not bad, but just not right. Good times x 3.

And the disease seems to have finally caught up with me. Yesterday I had zero energy accompanied by a sore throat and itchy ears. This morning I felt pretty good though, just the itchy ears were still irritating me. But by early evening I was feeling that sore throat coming back. I am lacking sleep, running out of patience with a busy toddler, and wondering if I will ever wear a shirt one day that does not have snot or barf on it. I have missed all aerobics in a week (once because Matt had a meeting, once because we were in Whitehorse, and twice because of miserable kids). Good times x 4.

Since I dislike having an entire post that is all negative, I will end with a positive paragraph. My eating plan is still going along great. I am thriving on the structure it provides. Last week I was down 16.5lbs and am hoping for another pound or two this week when I weigh myself on Friday, even without the exercise. Nice to see that 20lb mark approaching quickly.


Ann said...

Sorry to hear sickness is visiting your house again. Hope you all feel better soon.
Congrats on the weight loss. Keep up the great work. You are inspiring me.

jill spyker said...

Hey, on the upside, allergy testing now is just having a small vial of blood drawn :)

ps, my verification word for tonight is... "lardet"
oh yeah.

Great work on losing those lbs!

Kennie said...

House of Plague, House of Plague
What ever ails you stay away
We don't need no nasty germs
Sterilize your hands or wave good bye
It's is the house of plague
(sung to the spider man tune)

I know your misery .. kinda... I got the runny nose, itchy eyes thing going on, but I think it's allergies cause there is no cough, no general misery.. I just can't breathe through my nose without sniffing the holy water that is Drixoral.

Tina said...

OMG I'm going to be singing "House of Plague" all day. I know all too well the feeling of "House of Plague". I can't imagine doing it with boys so close in age as yours are.

In Iqaluit said...

Yikes! When it rains, it pours!

We're at "Good times x 1" with our older boy. But I can see us reaching at least "Good times x 3" very quickly. I am exhausted but would do anything to relieve your boys from illness and let you have some rest!

The only thing I have to offer is to say make sure everyone gets as much fluids as possible.

Good luck, Kara! And great job on your meal plan!!

Tigger said...

Dairy proved to responsible for Ez's constant "snot-fest". I sure feel for you, and hope everyone is snot-free asap!