Thursday, April 24, 2008

Granny Convention 2008

Hunter (and us) just spent the last week being spoiled! Grandma Hunter and Nanny Gillis spent the last week here in Faro to visit with baby Hunter (and help with some house stuff too!) Nanny Gillis flew into Grande Prairie, AB and Grandma Hunter picked her up and they drove the 1500km (each way!) for a visit. It was awesome having them here. Matt's mom hadn't seen Hunter since August and was in her glory the whole time. We had spent a month at my moms house after Christmas, so my mom got less holding of baby and more holding of a paint brush! My mom spoiled us with her amazing cooking and Matt's mom made us some great nacho dips. What a fun week!

Granny Hunter teaching baby Hunter to make a mess:

Granny Hunter brought him a rocking moose and he loves it!

They were both very bad grannies. Here is Hunter eating a cheesy that they gave him! One of many!

Hunter and his Nanny:

Hunter and his Granny:

My moms vehicle packed for the trip!

They even towed our boat up here for us!

His Nanny brought him a bubble lawn mower!

Nanny happy as a pig in shit:

Our housewarming gift from Matt's folks! My folks gave us painting supplies and a sewing table for me!!


Anonymous said...

Oh my the family resemblance is so there. Matt looks a lot like his mom and you look a lot like yours. What a great week for everyone and boy did you make out with new stuff!!!! I figured you were busy having a good time in between posts. Be well,

Rob, Tina and the boys said...

A bbq? Wow, how freakin' lucky are you! Great pics. I even recognized some of Hunter's clothes! :)

Indigo said...

Spoiled, spoiled, spoiled!!!

Hey! you deserve it. Enjoy when you can get it.

Anonymous said...

Aww Hunter is so cute! Bet he loves that bubble lawn mover!