Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I wonder if they will need counseling for this...

Hunter is obsessed with the heat vents in the floor. He lifts them up and tosses toys into their depths. In frustration a few weeks ago, I told him there were monsters in the vents that would get him if he opened them up again. Surprisingly he left them alone!

Today, Cavan tried lifting one up and Hunter promptly ran over and pushed it back into place and warned him about the monsters lurking in the vents. I had a good laugh and then hoped they don't need much counseling when they get older!


Kennie said...

hahaha - excellent

Morena said...

Well, if it works and they aren't having nightmares... I say you're good. I on the other hand, duct taped all our vents to the floor.

Just me said...

I think they will be fine with the monster's in the vent for now....but I think I should let you know that when I was in my teens I used to hide bottles of booze in the vent in my bedroom so my parents wouldn't find it if they searched my room. You may want to consider in heat flooring! LOL.

Aida said...

yep, my last resort is to say monster lurk in certain places like for eg, the walk in closet in our room where Frank keep all his gears! they havent been in the closet ever since