This morning after Matt went to work, I giddily ran over to them with the first load of laundry. This is pretty odd in itself. I hate to do the laundry and Matt usually takes over this chore. All was going good. Hunter loved the washing machine and watched it for a good 10 minutes. He even danced in front of it. Soon after I put the boy down for his nap and I came into the dining room to go through some paperwork. Well good god- all of a sudden the whole house starts to shake. I run down the hallway to find my washing machine taking off down the hall. The evil appliance was possessed. I quickly found the off button and then retreated back to the dining room to call the husband. Surprisingly the boy didn't wake up during the ruckus.
Well Matt was busy and his supervisor wrote a funny note for him about me being attacked by the washing machine and now needed reassurance. So I turn to facebook for answers! Yep. I love facebook. I post up that my washing machine tried to run away and within minutes I had a real reply amidst the smart ass comments (oh yes, you all know who you are!). Kennie had a run-in with an evil washing machine herself and knew exactly how to extract the evilness. We had forgotten to take out the packing bolts. Yep, it was all our fault.
Matt fixed it when he came home and all is good. On our next trip to town we need to buy some dryer hose thingy so we can stack them. Isn't it odd when you hit that point in your life where you get excited about an appliance? When did I get old?
Hunter checking out the new washing machine:

Hunter dancing for the new washing machine:

Now the next problem. The dryer squeaks and there is no "how to deal with mice living in your dryer" section of the manual. Any ideas Kennie?
And the word of the day goes to Clare (of course one of the smart-ass commenters): Laundrygeist
Hmmmm .... brand new right? Never been used? could just be "breaking itself in". Maybe (and this is a big maybe) the drive belt is dry and after a couple of runs it will be fine. Don't have too much experience with squeaking dryers ...
I'm just the Washorsist.
Yeah, it could just be new. Did it squeak again today?
hehehe....when I got MY new set a few months ago, instead of a child sitting in from of the washer, it was MEEEEEEEEEE !! Guess I must be that old too ;)
Oh & BTW...the thrill of running LOADS of laundry wears off soon enough...
Enjoy :)
sure makes me miss front loaders. i hate top loaders washing machine. your story is too
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