It is only twenty after nine this morning and I already know that this is not going to be a pleasant day.
The boy woke up at 5am for the 5th day in a row. He loves 5am. I love 6am. Why oh why can't he sleep another hour?? And there isn't time for a morning nap today because it is playgroup today. He is going to be some pissy.
Then right before Matt was heading out to work, the boy gave me a wicked head-butt to the nose. My nose crunched. Seriously. It crunched so loud Matt heard it. I yelped and ran to the bathroom with a bloody nose and tears in my eyes. It is now an hour and a half later and it is still so tender. I put ice on it, and so far it isn't swollen and no bruising.
*** run to catch boy....
As I was typing I looked over and there is my boy shaking his bottle of milk in the living room. Milk was all over. As I ran over he began shaking even more vigorously.
Anyone want a kid today? I will sell him cheap! Heck, I might even pay you to take him today!
Your nose isn't broken is it?
Because if it is you SO have to post a picture. Heck, post one anyways! Glad to see "holy terror child" is contagous today!
Yikes - that sounds like quite the morning. I will never complain again when the "Pug" Buddy jumps onto our bed at 4am - he isn't inflicting pain or making a milk mess! :)
Oh Gawd!! I tell you what, I'll post my nightmare stories when Ezri is older and you can laugh at me... not that I did that about your story today..actually it just made me scared!
I'm with Tina, we want to see you battle wound!
Ahh..the terrible twos are starting early..welcome to the club!
I, also, believe a posted photo is warnted!
In the mean day might not include a possibly broken nose...but...Adelaide has learned how to move the baby gate & get around it...needless to say, Sarah is right behind her...I actually YELLED at them...I'm sure you can imagine how well the yelling thing went they thought they had done something wonderful...
Now they think I'm a mean nasty Mummy from hell! Guess my day just became a day of constant damage control...Some days I'd give ANYTHING for a NORMAL house instead of a "bush cabin"...
Hay...hope your nose feels better soon :)
I hope it's not broken!
Thanks for the concern folks!! Definitely not broken, just really frickin sore. It hasn't even bruised and there is just a wee lump on the top of it. I have a wicked headache, so I am heading for a nap.
Ah yes. Me thinks you guys are headed into the terrible twos - using the long leg first as it seems.
I feel for you, plenty even if I can't help but snicker a bit imagining what he looked like, shaking his bottle one last time...
Little bugger!
I was thinking the same thing .. the terrible two's ... but ouchie on the nose! that just plain out sucks. Hope the nose does feel better!
It really makes you think about having a second baby! I have a baby boy around the same age as Hunter and I am also expecting baby number two in the spring! When the toddler is cooperative, I want a million babies! When he is not, I am already planning a permanent birth control method after the second one is born! We are thinking of having three kids but we'll see.
I hope Hunter sleeps in until 6 AM for you!
You really shouldn't post stories like this where I can read them haha!
Hope the nose is ok. I'd take the kid off your hands for the day, but, you know, I'm really far away.
Sarah :)
ouch! and what a bad start to the day, makes you want to curl up and go back to bed.
OUCH!!! some morning...hope the nose is ok now.
Ouch! Hope you feel better toute suite!
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