Our house has been a rather gadget free realm. Our gadgets consist of my MacBook Pro, Matt's small crappy netbook, an ipod that is six or 7 years old, and a first generation iPad.
We have no cell phones, no video game consoles, and no satellite tv.
Matt is a full on hater of any video gaming system like Wii or Playstation and has said we will never own one. Cell phones just have no use in our life right now since service is still patching between here and Whitehorse and they are so expensive. Matt doesn't watch much tv, we buy movies for the kids, and I watch the shows I want over the internet.
But the iPad.... I was thinking of buying something like a leapster a year ago but got a great deal on a used iPad. Hunter was the only one who used it and I have it full of little educational games plus a few extras like angry birds and some train games. The rules for Hunter were pretty simple: he could play when Cavan was napping in the afternoon.
But recently, Cavan has stopped napping and he has discovered the fun that is the iPad. For a while I searched online to find a second one so they could both play, but boy they are pricey! I came to the conclusion that this could be a good way for them to work on sharing, helping and patience. A couple of weeks ago I set up the new house rules on the ipad. They can play once they are both done their breakfast and are dressed. I have a timer that gets set on my computer for five minute chunks of time. When the five minutes are up, my computer howls like a wolf and the boys have to switch. They are allowed to play until we have to take Hunter to school, so they usually get between 3 and 5 turns each.
The new system is working quite well. Hunter is being a helping big brother and teaching Cavan how to play some of the more complicated games. Cavan is improving on being able to share. From time to time he has to spend Hunter's turn in his room so Hunter can play in peace. That usually only lasts five minutes and then he is fine to sit quietly during Hunter's turn. And by limiting the iPad to only that chunk of time in the morning, they are not asking to play the it during the rest of the day.
I wonder what our house will look like ten years from now. How many gadgets will we have? Perhaps we will have updated the ipod by then.
What are your house rules for gadgets and kids?
Hunter doing some puzzles with Handy Manny while Cavan snacks and looks on. |