Monday, May 17, 2010

Hillbilly Children in the City

Taking the kids to the city is always an experience and it just keep getting more entertaining as they get older. The big treat of the city for Hunter is getting french fries. He will talk about french fries days before we head to Whitehorse. We let Cavan have french fries this trip too and oh the kid sure did have the shits after that and farts that could bring an adult to tears.

Our kids are always so overwhelmed with the busyness of the city and I am pretty sure we get some nasty looks as they do things deemed inappropriate by other parents. Hunter decided to lay down on the floor as we went through the check out in Walmart. He also enjoyed standing up in the big part of the shopping carts and yelling, "Beep, beep! We're coming through!" They both found it hard to sit still at restaurants and wanted to walk around and talk to everyone. I do make sure they say their pleases and thank yous, but yes I do let them be a bit more free range than other parents do. Ah well, my kids are friendly, polite and they had a lot of fun.

Oh glorious, delicious french fries... where are you?

I was told I get french fries this trip!! Where are they?!!
While Matt and I were consulting our HUGE to do/buy list, the kids decided to retrieve their own toys:

Fighting over the ball... hmmm I wonder if either one of them will pursue a career in cage fighting one day.

$3.97. Not a bad deal for a cute kid.

1 comment:

Morena said...

Haha! That look on Cavan's face is familiar. Kinda like I look when I'm waiting for my Mc'D fix when I finally hit civilization.