Sunday, April 18, 2010


**This post mentions boobs a lot and nipples a little! Consider yourself warned!

Cavan will be a year old this week and he is still in love with the boob. I cut Hunter off when he was just eight months old because he would not stop biting. At times I thought he was going to tear my poor nipples right off. Sometimes I had to wedge my finger in between his jaws to pry his chompers off. It was pretty painful. He happily latched onto a bottle when I offered it as an alternative and he never looked back.

Cavan is a completely different story. I have been trying to coax him to take bottles and sippy cups for the last six months and he has refused right up until the last couple of weeks. Now he screams with anticipation at the top of his lungs for the entire process of me filling up and warming a bottle or sippy cup for him. But he still keeps coming back for boob. I want him weaned in the next few weeks, so there are no longer any more nighttime visits with the booby. During the day he is only allowed visits with the booby two or three times. I am not sure how I am going to get him completely weaned. Perhaps he will have to go cold-booby.

One area I know is going to be hell is bedtime. I still boob him to sleep and then put him in his crib. It is just so much easier since we are dealing with a toddler who has bedtime issues of his own (those damn tigers are still out to get him). Hopefully he will turn to the bottle for his evening comfort instead of my boob, but I think a lot of screaming is going to be in my future.

I am finding it a little hard to stop boobing him just because he is so darn cute when you say the word, "Booby!" He waves his hands, starts to giggle, stamps the ground impatiently and just gets so excited. I took some video so I can torture him later in life.

Please share any weaning advice you have!!

Booby! from Kara Went on Vimeo.


Fawn said...

So, so individual (on both mom and baby's part!)

With Jade, I nursed until she was 2, but I stopped night-time feedings after she turned 1. For a few nights when she woke up, I just told cuddled her for a few seconds and put her back to bed. I remember the first night, how heartbreaking her sobs were, but within a few nights that was it. And she slept better for it.

Halia, on the other hand, is so stubborn, anytime I've tried to get her to just go back to sleep, she's screamed and screamed and she can keep it up for over an hour. She always wins. I'm not ready to wean completely yet, so... she wins.

Good luck!

Erica said...

As you know, mine are purely decorative, so I can't help you with the weaning advice. But you made me laugh, which must count for something, right?

Kennie said...

oh ... you are gonna have a monster on your hands :-) I can see it now, in the Superstore with him reaching up with those grabby ands going "boobie!" as his first "real" word ... just try to get it on camera for the rest of us

Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan said...

This week he has been yelling, "Ma Bub!" which I think means, "My Booby!".

Peanut said...

Hey! So I don't have any experience with weaning as of yet but I'll share some of things that I do during the night when I don't think Dexter wants to nurse. I usually nurse Dexter just before he goes to bed and then I rock him while he's sucking on his pacifier to help him fall asleep. During the night when he awakes, if I don't think he's hungry but just wants to suck on something, I'll put the soother back in his mouth and rock him for about half an hour or until he's fallen asleep again. Good luck!

Tina said...

I'm with Erica. Mine are purely for decoration (and my hubby's enjoyment). Hmmmm, maybe I should do a video like that with Rob! Bwhahahahahahaha.

Morena said...

I don't really have advice. I weaned Oliver at 6 months so he wasn't old enough to ask for it. Once I found a bottle that he'd take, which to many tries and brands, I dropped a feeding every 3days or so till there was no more. The hardest one for me to drop was the morning cause if I fed him in bed with me he'd go back to sleep and I could get a couple more hours. I guess that's out though when you have a toddler to get up with as well.

If I were you, I'd go cold booby and see what happens. He might surprise you.

Heather, aka: Mum said...

Good luck with that one....One of mine weined herself & the other is still going strong! I must be CRAZY!

jozien said...

ahhh, i loved breast feeding too, i miss that little hand sliding down my shirt :) No, it's been a long time. Alexander was never going to give up though it seemed, i probably started weening him at 2, but cut him off when he turned 3.

Aida said...

Ben at 27 months is still nursing, I am slowly cutting him off, i am just so tired of it. but the night time nursing, i think it was only at 18 months before it was completely done (cant blame him b/c at 15 months, we move here so i didnt want to take that comfort away). the night time, i just put on a sports bra that way he cant "help himself". yes he screams and kicks up a fuss but i turned the other way. it was a battle for maybe 2 weeks and now done. but now he is older, the nightime boob is replaced with cuddles instead, the boy will sleep really close with his head near the boob but he dont ask which is great.

ohh btw, if you wean at night, i do see an increase during the day. and if you want to wean, do it now..LOL