Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Best Canada Day, Ever.

We spent Canada Day out at Francis Lake and I think it was my favorite Canada Day to date.  Francis Lake is normally a pretty quiet campground, but this year the place was packed!  And it was mainly packed with folks from Faro.

A friend and I planned ahead of time and packed a few supplies so all of the kids could decorate their bikes the day beforehand.  On Canada Day the kids got on their bikes, proudly sang O'Canada, and then did a parade on bikes around the campground.  We even packed candy to throw for the kids!  Other tourists that were camping there came out to watch, take photos, and a few even ran back to their camper to find their own treats to give out to the kids.

The day before we also gave the kids a bunch of empty boxes, containers, tape, and other random items and as teams they created boats.  A big group of us packed up for the rest of the day and went down the lake to a beach and creek.  We had a big weenie roast and the kids got to race their boats in the creek.  The kids played in the mud, went swimming, and even got to do a bit of tubing!  I did one round on the tube and was sore for two days afterwards!  But it was a blast.

Then that night there were fireworks on the beach!  A friend's father brought them up from BC and even with our 24 hour daylight, they were still pretty awesome.  I think the entire campground turned out for it!

Thanks to all of the friends who made the day so memorable!

Boat construction.

Getting ready for the big parade!

Happy Canada Day!

Getting ready for the big boat race.

Here come the boats!

Mud jumping!

Weenie roast with friends.



Kids and sparklers at 11pm. 

Monday, July 13, 2015

Gardening and Foraging

When I am not camping, I am in the garden or foraging around the neighbourhood and woods to fill up the winter food stash.  Just little a squirrel.  I steal rhubarb from four different neighbours.  Fireweed grows like mad in the overgrown yard next to my house and wild strawberries in the yard on the other side. 

My garden is just starting to produce with zucchini, some cherry tomatoes, a few beans, and today I stole out a couple of potatoes when I was hilling them.  My cucumbers are staying tiny and I really hope they start growing; cucumbers from a real greenhouse taste so fantastic!  If we can just get some real heat here in Faro, my garden is going to be top notch this year!

My jungle!  And this was a week ago.  It is even more overgrown now.

A pumpkin!!!  It is double this size now.


Some of the beans!  They are doing so much better this year.

Our wee little wild strawberries!

Perfect snack!  Beans, tomatoes, basil, and cilantro.


Fireweed jelly!

Wild strawberry and rhubarb jam!

Zucchini muffins.

The neighbour let me pick from her haskap bushes.  Made some into jam and the rest into the freezer for winter smoothies.

Wild strawberry shortcake.

I love potatoes!

Basil blitzed with olive oil into the freezer for spaghetti sauce in the winter.

Sunday, July 12, 2015


I am playing catch up here with the blog!  Summer is in full swing and I am solar powered.  June days were busy with the end of school, camping, company, a birthday, gardening, book reading.....  On the go all the time.  I am not even sure how it is already the middle of July.  Can I rewind part of the summer, please?

Kindergarten graduation!  Onwards to grade 1.

Proud of the littlest Went.

We had a going away party for two families who are leaving Faro.  Sad!

Birthday party for Hunter!  The kid is 8!

Emma the camping dog.

Riding the ferry in Dawson City.

We had a great visit with Nanny and Poppy!  We toured them all around the Yukon.

Happy readers in the camper.

So serious!