Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tazer him! He's resisting arrest!!

Is what I was yelling from the window as the RCMP showed up to haul my husband away to the slammer. That was the best $20 I have spent in a long time!!

A cop shows up to haul Matt away:

Hey Officer. How can I help you?
Matt figured it out pretty quick that it was just a fund raiser for the high school grads, but my visiting father-in-law was a little confused and concerned!
Away he goes!

Hunter was so upset that the cop took daddy away! He bawled hysterically the whole drive down and even into the station. Poor kid!

Doing hard time in Faro:

Our friends kids were locked up too. I sure wish they had cuffed Matt for the full effect. These boys had a hair pin and were trying to break out:

Putting on his best "break me outta here" grin:


Fawn said...

I can just imagine how hard you were giggling when you were watching out the window! :D LOL

Meandering Michael said...

Ha ha, what a FANTASTIC experience to help keep Hunter out of trouble when he gets a little older.

Morena said...

Hilarious. But I feel bad for Hunter.

Erica said...

At least Matt was wearing pants - trying to get into the RCMP truck in my skirt was an exercise in embarassment ^_^

Tina said...