For Christmas we bought Hunter a fantastic train table and wooden train set. It looks like this:
Okay, not my kid, and a few different pieces, but you get the idea.

However, with a brother who is also referred to as Captain Destructo (No, we never use his real name. Ever. That would be silly.) the train table usually looks like this:

Captain Destructo finds immense pleasure in grabbing pieces of track and dispersing them around the house, much to Hunters dismay. We tried a suggestion from a friend- gluing the entire track down. Matt spent an hour and a half setting the track and gluing each piece down to the table. The next morning Captain Destructo had pulled off the first piece in under five minutes. I thought Matt was going to cry, or pull his hair out in frustration, or give Captain Destructo to the gypsies.
Today Captain Destructo spent the day climbing onto the train table, getting right to the centre, and then playing Godzilla:

Tonight, Matt and I decided to put away the train set for a while. Probably for a few months at the least. I feel so bad for Hunter; he really loves the train set but just gets so upset when Cavan destroys it. Plus I am so tired of chasing Godzilla away from it. I thought of setting it up in the spare room downstairs, but he is still too young to go down and play by himself. We left out all of the trains so he can still drive them around on the floor and hopefully he will be content with that. At least this a toy that they will not outgrow quickly. Thankfully spring is here and we spend a lot of time outside playing now. Maybe it will just be a winter toy.
Maybe you need one of these.
Hmmm... one of what?
why dont you put it into his room and close the door when he is playing with it
That is too bad for Hunter but I totally get just putting it away for a while. The frustration would just be too much.
Eowyn and Elias love building block towers. Elias at four years old can build some pretty elaborate stuff. Unfortunately, Amadeus at 9 months loves knocking them down, and isn't old enough yet to understand not to do it. It gets pretty frustrating! We've sectioned off a portion of the room so the baby can't get there, so block towers can be built in peace.
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