A couple of months ago a friend encouraged me to fill out an application to participate as an artist in the
Great Northern Arts Festival this summer up in Inuvik, NT. I am pretty new to this whole art/craft business. Really, I have only been sewing my stuff for less than three years. The quality of my work has definitely improved in that time, but I am still such a novice. I didn't hold out much hope that I would be accepted to attend.
Yet, yesterday an acceptance letter arrived in the mail for me! I am so excited that I was chosen to attend. The festival brings up between 80 and 90 artists from across the three territories for this festival every summer. Everything is even paid for! I will be flown up from Whitehorse (they also pay to bring up all of my crafts) plus my accommodation and meals are provided for the entire 10 day event. I will have the opportunity to run workshops that participants will pay to attend as well as attend workshops hosted by other artists.
My crafts will be sold at this event as well. The Festival sets up their own gallery and I need to bring 10-25 items at least to be sold in the gallery. They take 30% of sold items, but that is really no different than most other stores in large centres.
My parents have offered to take the boys for a week since Matt cannot get the time off work to watch them. So Matt will take me to Whitehorse for my flight, and then drive to Liard Hot Springs to meet my folks and drop the boys off with them. A week later when our actually booked summer holidays start, Matt will drive down to Dawson Creek and I will fly down when the festival is over, just a few days later. I cannot believe it is all going to work out! In four years I have never had a break like this before.
It will be a bit of a shocker to the boys! We live so far away from family that they never have a break from us either. Neither of them have spent a night away from us and it is definitely time for them to start. I am sure there will be some tears, but Grandma and Grandpa can handle it. Plus, what kid wouldn't want to spend time roaring around 320 acres on quads, playing in the in-ground pool, going boating, and baking cookies? Sounds pretty good to me!
I am looking forward to learning from other artists at the festival. What a fantastic opportunity!